3 things you shouldn't say to park rangers

While browsing POTA groups, I often come across arguments between hams and state park rangers. I used to find it amusing, knowing that the ham was usually the one at fault. However, I now feel compelled to address this issue myself. I want to shed some light on the topic and provide some helpful advice for new hams who are just starting to dip their toes into the world of POTA. So, here are the three things that should never be said to a park ranger when activating a park.

1: Start with I am an FCC LICENSED AMATEUR RADIO operator.

This will not win you any points, and might even get your photo posted in the Rangers Station. Try not to be forward and play like you own the place.

2: I have the right to….(insert item)

No matter what the “right” you have as a paying customer always treat others with respect and you going to get further than throwing around “shade”.

3: I paid the Park fee and read the rules, so…..

Your gonna get your butt tossed as this is not a seniority thing. You are on lands that aren’t directly owned/maintained by you - yes you pay taxes, but they - the rangers are there to keep civility and make the experience at the park great for everyone.

If you find yourself saying any of these phrases, may I suggest a different approach and consider this

1: I wasn't aware of (insert park rule). Can you direct me to an online link so I can learn more about it?

2: Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for the next time I activate the park again?

3: Have the pota flyer ready to help educate and offer the ranger an opportunity to make a QSo.

So if you are the type that doesn’t back down from an argument or likes to stir the pot, take a second to pause and think “Am I doing this activity for me or am I helping to pave the way for others to enjoy it as much as I have” As this will always help to make the Ham Radio Hobby welcoming to those that think we’re just the “tin foil hat” crew.

So have you been witness to a situation like this? Or did I miss some other statements, that should be included? Please Leave them in the comments below.


Virtual: Elmer


TOP 5 HAM IOS APPS : Part Deux