It all begins with one contact. Then you get hooked, and there’s no escaping, and you got to have more.

Yup, that's it, kids, don’t do drugs, do Ham Radio instead

Hi there! I'm Eric N1JUR, and I'm an avid amateur radio enthusiast. I've been pursuing this hobby since 1991, when I acquired my No-Code Technician license. Throughout my journey, I've been fortunate to have several Ham radio mentors who have guided me along the way. Thanks to their support, I've been involved in several exciting activities, including Scouting, the local Ham Club (Police Amateur Radio Team - PART), and I even helped found the Westford Academy High School Radio Club. Despite being limited by my license class, I had the opportunity to use the Club call and make the first - and only - contact with the Space Shuttle Atlantis. It was an unforgettable experience!

I took part in various activities such as club events, Fox hunting, Pumpkin Patrol, and summer Field Days. Among these, Field Days were my absolute favorite as I got to indulge in junk food and Jolt while making contacts globally on SideBand. It was an absolute paradise for radio enthusiasts like myself!

After completing high school, earning my Eagle Scout badge, and pursuing my hobbies, I got married and spent the next 18 years raising my family, coaching, and being a father to my wonderful kids. I also built a successful career in IT but kept my amateur radio license active despite selling my radios.

When the pandemic hit in 2020 and the world went into lockdown, I turned to my beer fridge and decided to start a podcast with my four friends, called the 4 Fathers' Podcast. During this time, my brother, who also has a passion for amateur radio, convinced me to pick up my mic and get back on the airwaves.

With extra time on my hands, I dove headfirst into the world of amateur radio and caught up on 19 years of developments.

I was truly impressed by the changes that had taken place. The Morse Code requirement was no longer necessary, and new modes such as Digital (FT8, FUSION, DMR & AllStar) had emerged, reigniting my passion for the hobby I loved as a teenager. Without wasting any time, I began to study and cram for my general, determined to obtain it before testing sessions were put on hold. Finally, on April 11th, 2021, I achieved my goal and became a General. During this time, I connected with a group of local enthusiasts through the Granite State Amateur Radio Association nightly net, who welcomed me to their club via Zoom. I even acquired my first-ever HF Rig (Yaesu ft450d) and was eager to learn more.

Throughout this period, I had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful gentlemen who shared my passion for Radio. We all connected instantly! Due to my living situation in an HOA, I discovered the Parks on the Air Program (POTA), which motivates Hams to venture outside with their HF gear and activate Parks. I became deeply invested in this program and even convinced Todd W1STJ, Ryan W1SNH and Paul N1OG to join me in playing radio.

However, my journey continues and I am taking a more involved role in the local club, GSARA. I volunteer eagerly to organize POTA Meetups, as well as Summer and Winter Field Day Events, always seeking to activate parks wherever possible. I am motivated to continue exploring new opportunities. Additionally, I am involved in running my own YouTube channel alongside a group of individuals, known as the Live Free and Ham Podcast.

If you have any questions about the hobby or want to try your hand at POTA contact me and we’ll make it happen!